Our OMEGA platform leverages our deep understanding of genomic architecture and our data science expertise to rationally and rapidly design therapeutic candidates that act pre-transcriptionally to control gene expression and cellular programming.

Mechanism of Action

IGDs and EpiZips™ as Drug Targets

Our foundational knowledge of the role of insulated genomic domains (IGDs) in gene expression and the implications of their regulation in healthy and diseased states has enabled us to curate a unique and comprehensive database of more than 15,000 IGDs, as well as thousands of intervention points representing regulatory elements within IGDs called Epigenomic Zip codes or “EpiZips.”

By targeting unique genomic sequences, specific EpiZips can be epigenetically modified to alter gene expression in associated IGDs. These EpiZips include regulatory elements such as enhancers, promoters, CTCF and YY1 binding sites, and more, collocated in an IGD. Through this approach, we can precisely and controllably tune the expression of one or multiple genes within an IGD.

Epigenomic Controllers

Epigenomic controllers represent the first systematic approach to using mRNA therapeutics to develop a new class of programmable epigenomic medicines. They are designed to be highly specific in targeting and capable of controlled, bi-directional tuning of single or multiple genes for a tailored duration of time lasting anywhere from days to months.

Customized Delivery

Our initial programs utilize lipid-nanoparticles (LNPs) to deliver our epigenomic controllers to target tissues within the body. LNPs have been established as a safe, effective and re-dosable delivery method. Looking ahead, our OMEGA platform is delivery-agnostic and can take advantage of both existing and emerging modalities tailored to the characteristics of a specific disease. We have deep internal expertise in formulation and delivery and are advancing in-house delivery technology development activities. In parallel, we are exploring potential external collaborations to accelerate the clinical development of our epigenomic controllers, with the goal of bringing innovative new therapies to patients sooner.

A Digital and AI-Based Computational Engine

Fueled by our foundational understanding of epigenetic regulation, the OMEGA platform prospectively engineers epigenomic controllers by leveraging our deep expertise in machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI). Our modular and AI-driven approach enables rapid design and development of therapeutic candidates and the ability to accelerate discovery and preclinical development to support submission of Investigational New Drug (IND) applications within as little as 24-36 months from program inception. The speed and precision with which we can advance candidates into clinical studies is immensely promising for future drug development efforts and is only possible through the deterministic and computationally-guided nature of our technology, coupled with our pioneering vision.

Reach out regarding partnership opportunities, careers, our mission, or other inquiries.